公司简介:漳州鑫华成机械制造有限公司是一家拥有完善的生产设备和一流的技术员工、雄厚的技术开发和科研创新能力、严格的生产制造于一体的福建高新技术企业。公司全面通过ISO9001:2008质量体系认证、坚持以科学的管理方法、严密的生产工艺、优良的质量保证、良好的售后服务为宗旨。不断进行改进和创新,为客户提供更优质的产品和服务。公司目前生产三大类设备:建筑模板设备、生态板设备、以及其他的非标液压设备。适用板材有3*6尺,4*4尺,4*8尺,4*10尺等胶合板、刨花板,中高密度的纤维板、贴面板、建筑模板,以及细木工板。主导的产品有:15-50层半自动全自动胶合板热压机、冷压机、多层贴膜机、短周期贴面压机、自动排板线、自动纵横修边锯、多边锯、升降机、拌胶机、涂胶机、多层热压干燥机等配套产品。我司也可根据用户的需要配备自动温控系统、升降平台、热油锅炉、缓冲垫、不锈钢板、吸尘器等,并提供配套的优秀厂家信息。本公司全体员工热忱欢迎各界朋友莅临,参观,指导,恰谈!Zhangzhou Xinhuacheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., LTD. has well-equip, first-class technical staff , a strong technical development , innovation ability and strict manufacturing in Fujian province that's what we have.Our company has passed the ISO 9001: 2008 quality system authentications and won a good reputation by customers both at home and abroad by our scientific management, strict production technology, excellent quality assurance and service. Our company will expand our knowledge and expertise to provide the best product and service.Our company is mainly specialized in automatic plywood hot press, cold press, veneer hot press dryer machine, patching machine, automatic conveyor line, automatic cut cross and rip saw line, multi-chip saw, lifter table, glue mixer machine, glue spreader machine, spindles peeling machine, rotary cutting machine and so On. What's more, according to customers requirement, we can provide the automatic temperature control system, lifting table, hot oil cylinder and boilers, cushions, stainless steel templates, vacuum cleaner. Also, we can provide you excellent manufacturing information for your reference.All our staff warmly welcomes all friends to come to visit our company to have business negotiations, suggestions and guidance.